Vern H. - Masked Portrait

The past 2 years have been crazy: coronavirus, politics and race. At 59 years old, I have seen a lot. But nothing like the last 2 years. I never thought I could walk into a bank or store with a mask on. LOL!

I have been in HVACR for 43 years. At this time, I am currently the customer service manager. All of us here were considered essential workers. With so many people at home, HVAC became very important. I am proud to have helped people keep their cooling & heat going, through all this. When I took this photo, I was setting at my desk booking service calls. I would listen to our customers. Some were going through a lot. I felt for them all.

As for my mask, I had been restoring a 66 GTO, so I got this mask. My hope is that as things get back to normal we all come together and stop judging each other so much, we are all different and that’s what makes us great. We should all relax and breathe deep. Including me!

Oh, Thanks Andi for putting up with me, through this!